Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The entire story as to why I missed practice last Friday!

I know there has been discussion, and for the newer ladies that do not know me, I have a little boy. And as far as little boys go, I am pretty lucky, he is not usually to much of a handful. Of course we have our days, and Friday was one of them.

He was playing upstairs, which in itself unusual for him. Again, he's not a handful, and knows the rooms he is not allowed in. I usually have all the doors upstairs shut, accept for his bedroom door, however the bathroom door does not shut as it lost all it's inner workings.
Old house, cheap doorknobs.
I hear him begin yelling for me, I go up and he is in my bedroom and he says "My eye, it hurt!" His face has soap on it, and I look around and on the bed is some no name brand window cleaner.
So I rush him to the bathroom and begin flushing his eye out with water. Then ask if any went in his mouth. He said "Taste bad!"
Okay, good enough, I begin rinsing his mouth.
I then call poison control and I am assured by the nice woman on the phone that there is no harmful substance in the brand of window cleaner and he should be fine.
We go upstairs, I give him a bath as a further excuse to rinse his eye and mouth, just to make sure. Get him in his favorite pair of Thomas the Tank Engine jammies, and we continue on with our day.
He went into his room and began jumping on the bed. So I decide to do some laundry.
When I come back upstairs he is standing there with a very shiny face, and a tube of polysporin in his mouth. He had chewed the end off, smeared it on his face, then began eating it.
So again, in the tub, rinsing mouth, and eyes just to be safe. Put in new jammies and just go straight to the hospital.
Why, I was to embarrassed to call poison control for  the 2nd time in under 30 minutes.
So we get to emerg. and I explain to the nurse he ate polysporin. She goes and talks tot the pharmacist and comes back and tells me he'll be fine, there is nothing in the polysporin that can hurt him. Just keep an eye on him and if he begins throwing up bring him back.
So I already had to watch for eye irritation, and any irritation in the mouth from the window cleaner, and now I have to watch for puking from the polysporin.
So that is why I was not there, honestly, the first part almost gave me a heart attack.
The second part was half heart attack half "OH COME ON!"
He's 2, he's a boy, and he still has nothing on half the crap my husband pulled when he was that age, so all in all I think I am doing pretty okay.
So that is why I was not at practice on Friday.
I know some people were saying windex, some were saying polysporin.
Both groups were 100% correct.

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