Friday, 3 February 2012

Skating through the pain.

I am one of the lucky people who have yet to have any sort of serious injury from Derby.
Yes I've pulled a few muscles, had parts of me inflamed. And made Tylenol Back and Body Ache a close personal friend. However besides some anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxer prescriptions, the Dr.'s are relatively unaware of my existence, and my life as a derby girl.
After our Christmas break I walked into practice, put on my freshly cleaned gear, and was ready to go. Until I stood up!
I felt a pain in my right side and the more I tried to skate through it the worse it got. Until finally people began looking at me and asking "Are you okay?"
Finally Pixel came over and made me sit down. I decided after a bit I just needed to go home, but Pixel wouldn't let me drive myself.
I'd Hit That, luckily, knows how to drive a standard, and brought me home in my car, and my wife Em JeKill followed to drive her back to practice.
I came in, took a muscle relaxer, and slept through the pain.
It is now about 3 weeks later.
Although the pain has subsided, it is still there! Constantly!
So finally, I went to see my Dr. Basically she figured out what the pain is, but there is nothing I can do about it! It just has to heal and go away on it's own.
It all comes back to an issue I have had for years, and this particular day something happened that has happened often in my life. It hurts, it sucks, you move on. This particular night it damaged my muscle, and now the muscle is just slowly healing.
So right now I go to practice and skate until the pain goes away. I get up at home to clean, cook, chase my son, and keep going until the pain goes away.
What choice do I have? I'm a wife, mother and derby girl! You gotta be tough if you're taking on this life!
So to all you other ladies skating through the pain, Derby Love and Muscle Relaxers!

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