Saturday, 21 April 2012

Almost a year!

It has been 11 months since I walked into my first derby practice.
I was nervous, and wondering who I was kidding.
Here I am almost a year later, and my confidence has grown to a point where I trust myself wearing skates almost more then I do sneakers. Something I never saw coming as I wobbled my way around the floor such a short time ago.
Lacing my first pair
of skates for the first time.
 Since the day I walked in I have:
- Passed my skills testing.
- Got drafted onto the team Hits N Sass.
- Have learned far more then I ever thought I would about managing a website.
- And last night got voted onto the BOD!
I never in a million years thought that in such a short time I would be where I am now.
 Last night I spent the night dancing with my skates on at a bar. There is no way I would have pictured myself doing that when I started!
Em JeKill with her first pair
of skate the first time.
When you walk in to try anything new, there is always a fear telling you to stop. I, however, am proof that if you push your way past the fear, you can do things you never thought possible. I played sports a bit in Junior High, however I have never been athletic, or enjoyed team sports. This one however is different. There is something about it that appeals to me, and with time and practice I have learned the basics, and am preparing to get out on the track and give it my all.
I'd Hit That often comments on how much more comfortable we are now, and how it came in such a short period of time. And if you really think of the time that has
First live bout. First time out with
the girls outside of practice.
actually passed since we started, she's right. Things that seemed impossible before, are now nothing, just something we do all the time. I remember the first time I was told to jump, I was holding Fire Crack'Ya's hand, thinking "I'm gonna die! This is how it ends!"
And now I jump all the time. It's really easy once you get going!
Skating backwards took me months to master, it was one of those things that I had never been able to do as a kid. I just couldn't quite get the rhythm. Now it's nothing. Just one more thing I can do, maybe not as fast as some of the other girls, but that will come with more time and practice.
First time wearing my
 second pair of skates.
Out with the girls at
triangles for ladies night.
I am extremely grateful for the friends I've made and the confidence I've gained from this sport. Even in my everyday life, I am a different person then who I was because of what this sport has taught me. It has given me a happiness outside of my small family, and given me a entirely new family!

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