Saturday, 4 August 2012

Update and all that

I have been very quiet lately.
You noticed? Oh, well, glad you were paying attention!
I have been a skater with Dieppe Roller Derby since May 25, 2011.
I walked in and met an amazing group of people whom I got to know as friends, and they became like a second family to me.
After over a year of skating with them our first season of bouting came. We hit the track, very excited, and a little disorganized our first time out. But we fought, and worked our way up to triple digits on our first game, cause we rock like that!
Our second chance at bouting came in 4 20 minute open scrimmages at the Muddy River Atlantic Jamboree. We won our first game, lost our next 2 and 3rd and had to forfeight the 4th due to injury and lack of players.
Decision time.
With our next game only weeks away against Halifax, and many girls out with injuries, could we possibly save the season? The answer.... No. We cannot risk further injuring girls, and cannot continue to borrow large numbers of players from other teams to play.
This decision, was the smart one, and the right thing to do, but I'm not going to lie, it felt like a knife was tearing through my heart.
I really love playing derby. After spending 30+.... I mean 23 years as a forever screw up, I found something I not only loved doing, but was good at. At least, I have my moments. I screw up plenty as well, but it's all part of learning.
When I returned home that night my husband looked at me and said "What's going on? How come when you leave for derby your happy, and 75% of the time you come home sad or upset?"
WOW! Ummmm... What?
I think I have some stuff I need to think about here.
I explained what was going on, and we had a very long conversation.
My husband is very supportive of me playing derby. He does not buy into the Derby Widow attitude some people do. And he is more then willing to sit down and talk things out with me in the good and bad times. So we sat down and talked, for a long time.
I love derby, I love my girls, why am I sad?
It doesn't make sense!
I cannot stress enough how much I love everyone at DRD. These people are amazing, and have been one of the best things in my life for the last year, coming in 2nd only to my real family, which is pretty awesome. I'm a very lucky girl!
However. After taking some time away, and trying to figure things out, I made the heart wrenching decision to leave DRD.
This was not easy for me, and was a choice that came with many tears, and sleepless nights. Please keep in mind, it was not the cancelling of the bouts that made me choose this. That was the right thing to do! And a really hard decision to make, and the right decision was made!

However, I did decide to leave and joined the other league in the area, The Muddy River Rollers.
So that's where I am now. It has been just over a week since the change was made. I have learned allot in the short time. And I am very much so looking forward to hitting the track with these girls.
I will still be seen at DRD events to give support, just the t-shirt will be different.
Derby Love, Derby Hugs, and bum slaps for all! I will see all of you lovely ladies on both sides soon!

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