Thursday 15 December 2011

Wait.. Do I hear jingle bells?!

Alright, I'll take a short break from my torture Christmas countdown and discuss something else.
I would like to discuss the invincible one.
You may think I'm talking about Pixel Ninja who took a few elbows to the boys last night and kept skating. There was one that made him skate off to the side and catch a breath. Now I'm no expert on the pain that happens from a tap to the male genitalia, but I've been informed it's painful. So I'll go with that.
Also there is LipSmack who picked a fight with my elbow last night and lost. Also the low blow hip check into the wall. LipSmack and I are gonna take a break from each other before her nose gets broken.
No no, the invincible one is Fire Crack'Ya.
I say this because I have seen this girl go down in a pile, down on her own, take people down with severe prejudice, I've been bumped by her, rammed by her and no matter what she does, I do, someone else does, or how painful the fall is she jumps back up with a big smile on her face ready for more.
I seriously do think she may be invincible.
Possibly a cyborg of some sort.
Are you allowed to have cyborgs on your Roller Derby team?
Anyway. To Fire Crack'Ya, thanks for always smiling, thanks for the bruises, and yes, I'm still a little nervous when you randomly walk up to me for a hug.


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