Sunday 29 April 2012

New names for old majors!

We're in the middle of practice, and disaster strikes.
As we stand there worried and upset Shreddy Crocker decides to take over practice, and first gets Lipsmack  to skate around the track and break through a 5 person wall. Then he asks Barbarieane of El, makes sense they are both jammers.
Then he asks me.....


I'm not sure why either.

So I skate around and the track and I am coming up on the ladies. 5 girls, very solid wall. I am trying to decide which person is the weak link, and I realize, at this moment, there is no weak link!
That thoughts hit me at about the same time I realize I am too close and going too fast to slow down in time, and it happens.
I hit Fire Crack'Ya dead on, and she flies through the air.
Yes, she was okay, but there was a moment of silence from each of us waiting to see if she was going to get up.
Fire Crak'Ya has decided to call the move "The Kate-A-Pault"

I am very thankful she is not only okay, but that she had such a great sense of humor about my fuck up!

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