Saturday, 24 December 2011

Almost here.

It's here, a day off stress, last minute shopping, gift wrapping, and fun with friends and family.
Tomorrow, the big day. The day where for most, who don't do it tonight, will finally open the pretty colored gifts under the tree.
Unless you do not partake in these particular Holiday festivities. In which case I hope you got the day off and have time to relax.
I am the person you hate on this day.
All my shopping is well done, all the gifts have been wrapped for weeks, and I don't have much to do.
My husband, however, is less prepared and will be doing some wrapping this evening.
This year is both exciting and sad for me.
My son, who is 2.5 years of age, has somewhat figured out this whole Santa thing, and the countdown has been on for awhile.
He also moves into his big boy bed tonight. We've had his new mattress hiding for almost a month, and got him a nice Cars comforter, and some soft flannel sheets. So his bed will be just like mom and dad's, which he loves to lay in, and tries to stay in all night, however never gets the chance.
This year instead of our usual family gathering with dinner and fun with the kids. We switch it up for a smaller room, no dinner, and no kids. But we will be thankful we're able to get together and do this this year just the same.
So to all of you out there. Enjoy your Holidays, and make sure you hug everyone who is dear to you extra tight and make sure they know what they mean to you.


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