Saturday, 31 December 2011


I was in the process of a a blog update a few nights ago when the phone rang.
It was a bad phone call that lasted seconds. But completely changed the course of things over the next few days. I'm not 100% sure what I was planning to write about last Wednesday night, but I'm sure it was interesting as well as highly entertaining.
So here it is. The post that comes from my current mind frame.

When I was a kid, I didn't have a great relationship with my grandparents. Mostly I had issues with my grandfather, I really have never felt like he liked me much. So I spent many years just avoiding them.
When I got to be older my Grandmother began trying really hard with me. She very much so wanted a friendship between us.  And although it took her awhile to break through my "screw the world" teenage attitude, eventually over time we began taking steps to get to know each other.
When I decided to join Roller Derby my Grandmother was probably the family member that was the most excited for me. I'm not 100% sure if she knew exactly what it entailed, and think she may have been picturing the Roller Derby from many years ago, but even if she was she was all for it! She always told me she couldn't wait to see me skate, and would tell me how she loved skating when she was young. She was so glad that something she did for fun so many years ago, her granddaughter was also finding a love for.
My family was eating supper the other night in the family room and my grandfather said "Every large family has 1 black sheep. 1 member that's just different." I took the time to salute to let my sister and cousins know that:
- Yes I know it's me. You can stop sneaking looks.
- And I'm damn proud to be that person!
I think it's been pretty evident since I was a kid that I was the one that was "different". I always lived in my head a bit to much.
When I was a little girl, I was told I had to act like everyone else and be a lady!
When I got older my grandmother began encouraging my differences and telling me how proud she was of me. I'm glad we got to know each other on another level. I'm glad I got to find out who she was and the things she had done. I'm sorry that we had to say goodbye and that she'll never get to see me skate. However I'm glad she doesn't have to be sick anymore.

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