Tuesday, 10 January 2012


This is from my second blog entry.

"They had another practice on Friday at the rink. Since Emily and I were able to keep our balance, and propel ourselves forward we were told we could come to this practice. My sons 2nd birthday party was Saturday, and I had far to much running around to do. And the next practice after that I was unable to go, but I can't remember why. That night as I was laying in bed telling my husband about it, and he was asking when the next practice was I was explaining my busy schedule. His response "If you're not gonna commit to this, then there is no point in going back!"I hate it when he's right. So I spent the next week thinking about if I could do this, and if I could commit 100% to it. How badly did I really want this. I went on Wednesday and by the end of that 2 hour practice there was no question, I was a Derby girl!"

There is still no question.  I love this sport, and I will continue and I will bout.

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