Sunday, 8 January 2012

Stupid Holiday weight.

After a period of working hard to lose weight, the holidays came.
This, does not necessarily affect me as much as some others as I am a stay at home mom. However, with a tight schedule to assist Santa is his shopping for my son, when my son was not present, and attempting to negotiate my way around crazy hoards of angry holiday shoppers, I became tired and lazy, and the quick fix pizza and other such junk became the regular supper in my home.
Also, allot of time was spent in the hospital, and meals became bland cafeteria food, or a bag of chips from the canteen. After my grandmother passed away of course cooking was not my number one priority, and often instead of eating an actual meal, I would snack on whatever junk I received for Christmas. Also we were not skating for 2 weeks, and there was to much running around to hit the gym.
So now, a few weeks later. Mind still reeling, I have put on a pair of jeans to discover the dreaded muffin top.
It wasn't there before. 3 weeks ago these jeans fit!
So what now.
Well skating sessions are officially back in, which is good because I cancelled my gym membership and officially lost gym access on December 30th. Honestly, between derby, and the inconvenient babysitting schedule it was just getting harder and harder to get there. Especially over the holidays. I was paying for a service I could only use once or twice a week. And I only go to do free weights, I can do that at home and not pay anything!
Last weeks skating sessions were interrupted by a trip to Halifax made by my husband so his band could play. This week my grandfather has requested dinner with the grandkids, which will also take another skating night away. I really got get my schedule organized!
But I gotta do something about this muffin top. It just ain't sexy. My theme song may have to change, and I don't have anything else in mind at the moment to replace it, so that just cannot happen until something new and snappy is released!
So here is what I am vowing to do, here and now.
1- Every trip out for groceries a new hand weight set will be purchased so I can get back on track with my weights. Also I need a Mat for stretches, crunches, push-ups etc...
2- Practice, a.k.a cardio, is not to be missed unless circumstances absolutely prevent it. Not that I usually miss practice, but you know what I mean.
3- Chocolate intake is to be replaced with fruit or veggies 75% of the time.

You didn't think I was gonna quit cold turkey did you?

Basically I gotta get myself whipped back into shape, get my endurance back up, and my belly back down. Bouting season is almost upon us, and I would like to play the game without panting like a dog left out in the heat.
I know my coach will read this, and torture back into shape, and assure me he is doing it for my own good. I gotta get a good home workout schedule going. My issue with the gym babysitting schedule was that it only began at 9. She usually strolled through the door around 9:15, but it was supposed to begin at 9. By the time I did my hour to hour and a half workout and got home, there was not enough time to go anywhere before my sons nap time.
I have tried cutting out naptime a few times, it doesn't end well for anyone. He needs his nap.
He naps anywhere form 1.5 hours to 3.5 hours, so by the time he gets up it's time for me to start dinner. So going to the gym in the morning literally depends on whether or not I have anywhere else to be or anything else I have to get done, because the a.m. hours, are my hours to get out and do what I need to do!
Since I am now vowing to do this at home, there is really no reason that when my husband walks out promptly at 8, that I am not then beginning to do what I need to do.
So the plan is in place.
Let's see how this goes, gotta get the willpower up and the lazy attitude down.
This is not a New Years resolution, it's me correcting my mistakes over the past month.

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