We're pretty lucky with MH Lions club basement floor. It's a small space, but a great floor. The church floor, well. It sucks, but I've already covered that in a previous post, so I am not revisiting it today.
I went to PEI on Saturday to help with their fresh meat, and they have a great floor. Big enough for a full track, but it's freezing. It's an old rink and basically metal siding with no insulation or heat. When they told us we went out in our hoodies assuming we would warm up like we have to do at the Lions Club, but no. There was no warming up! The entire time we were skating you could see your breath.
Then an entirely new floor experience. Polished concrete.
Wow, that is some slippery stuff.
I took my jukes off and went back to my flatouts, hoping for better grip. Then Quad of War was kind enough to lend me his outdoor wheels. It was still strange though. I felt like I had a lack of control, and I am not used to that. The first time I tried a T-Stop, my back skate stuck and my front skate kept going. And crossovers, forget it. I wasn't going as fast as I just didn't trust myself.
I know that comes with time, I mean the ladies I saw last night were confident, and that came with practice. I'm sure the first time on the floor most of them were also saying "What the crap?".
This lack of control made me feel like fresh meat all over again. Things I know how to do and do well, were gone. The confidence just was not there at all, I was to aware of my feet, and that was making me unaware of what the rest of my body was doing.
I was watching the jammer from side to side, and not one way, which I have been working on for months and doing well.
Simply gliding to one side to hit a girl, well that was not existent, and I am usually great at my body work and control.
I just felt useless! I definitely was not on my A game.

So that's my story of revisiting fresh meat. Months of working on my control to lose it in one swift movement. :)
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