Friday, 20 January 2012

Updates via the world wide web.

DRD has a website.

I know..SHOCKING!!!!!

I will tell you what is shocking. I do the majority of the updates, actually I think since last summer I have done all of the updates with allot of help in the first few months from Dii Mented. She is so much more computer savvy then I!
Also, with these updates, I am the one who puts together the Player of the Week profiles, and chooses who goes next.

Yes, I was the player of the week last week.
No I did not do this to make myself feel good, there is actually a story behind it.

Initially my intention was to not ever put myself up for POW. Because it's kind of wierd doing that for yourself, and I'm not one to usually pat myself on the back. I'm actually far to busy or stressed out to take the time to.

Huh? Maybe I should work on that!

However, I temporarily lost everyones profile.

 I know! I got them back didn't I?

The only profile I had access to was, well my own. So TA DA!
There it was. Me as POW!

The next question I know you are dying to ask!

This is a very complicated and intricate system I have worked out.

1- I harass people to have their pictures taken!
2- I harass people to fill out the POW profile questions!
3- I store everything in my e-mail under Player Profiles.
4- I write down the name of every person in the league.
5- I then check to see who has sent me their profiles and put a "check beside their name!
6-  I harass the people who have yet to send me their profiles.
7- I cut the names out on a small piece of paper and put them in a bowl.
8- I put the names into my calender as they are drawn.

And TA DA!
You have your Dieppe Roller Derby Players of the Week!

I hope my small step by step instruction guide was useful to you.

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