Tuesday, 24 January 2012


I am having a lazy day.
I have spent the last week running around from place to place, and when I am home, I am running around cleaning, cooking and doing whatever else needs to get done.
If I can get caught up around her I can pretty easily keep the place consistently clean, if I fall behind, even one day behind, then it all falls apart.
I keep myself so busy, that I forget that a big part of my week is now gone, yes, the trips to the gym.
Last night I was reminded however.
Push-ups, squats, slow down, speed up, squat, skate around the track non stop for 30 minutes or so.
It's my own fault, I asked my coach a few weeks ago if we could work a bit more on our legs and core to better prepare us for our upcoming season.
I do stupid things sometimes.
Last week I did 146 crunches at practice. It would have been 150 had I known my number, and if I wasn't getting bored of doing them. My wife did 501!
Now I sit here, tired, sore, in my pajamas. they are gray with small dogs on them.
They are comfortable, and most likely will be what i wear for the rest of the day.
Because again, lazy day.
Also I am budgeting and figuring out finances because I am very very close to my goal of new skates. I actually need less then $50 to get the ones I want. Something that makes me do a little happy dance inside. 
Soon, soon they will be mine. Although of course, being me allot of other thoughts are going through my head of things I could do with the money. I constantly worry about money, even though we are not in a terrible position. The bills are paid, we have a roof over our head and clothes on our back. However I am a constant worrier, and always thinking of other things that need to get done.
Oh well, this is going no where, so yeah.
Back to my laze!

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