Sunday 18 September 2011

Holy Crap.

From maybe 70 reads in a week to over 170.
Let me clarify a few things that seem to be taken out of context.
I am not in any way bagging on the Moncton team, and I am not saying they cheated, or played poorly. I am saying there were things outside of their control that seemed off to me.
The Moncton team has some great players,and they played hard. However everytime they get a shoulder tap from another team their fans begin with the "That team is so violent. Why did they do that?"
But if Moncton touches the other team it "Hell YEAH! Way to go!" I'm so tired of hearing it.
I'm glad you have loyal fans, but come on, fair is fair.

I am not in any way bagging on the refs. The refs are out there working hard and see what they see, and they cannot catch every little thing. I know a girl on my team said after reffing for the first time "I saw stuff, but I wasn't sure if I saw it right and I was to scared to blow the whistle because I didn't want to get it wrong."
I get that 100%. We appreciate you being out there looking out for us and trying to keep things kosher as much as you are able to.
I noticed in the first half Saint John was in the box allot, and Moncton was not. I asked someone else about it and they felt the same way as me. The second half however was very even, both teams appeared to be equal in penalties.

Yes I know why the player was expelled, it was her 7th major. What I am saying is that from my vantage point the hit appeared to be legal, and if the hit was legal no penalty should have been given and therefore she would not have been expelled. I'm not saying that maybe later she wouldn't have been, I dunno what the future may have held, but at that moment, from where I was sitting there was allot of confusion over the call. But any sport with any ref is going have people scratching their heads. I don't see what they see, I don't hear what they hear I can only speak from my vantage point.

It was mentioned that a ref heard players telling each other to hurt the other team.
Come on. As far as I can tell we are all adults. Lets play the game we love to play. There is no point in jumping on that track full of hate or anger, because that will cloud your judgement, and you may end up just hurting yourself, or one of your team mates.

The previous post was a point of view from one spectator. People need to calm down and realize it is just my personal opinion at the moment. I am not bagging on any one team, or any other official involved in the game. As someone who is learning, and was sitting next to other people who are trying to learn, there was allot of confusion from our seats.


  1. I hope you took the time to read that before you deleted it.

  2. I posted a comment, and then it was gone. Forgive me for assuming you had deleted it.

  3. I deleted it because something small that I wrote that I thought nothing of is being blown way way way out of proportion.
    My blog went from I think about 45 reads to 260 in a matter of hours. It's ridiculous, half of you are making out to be a hero, the other half a villain.
    I don't want to be either to anyone, and if any of you bother to read anything else I've written you'll see I'm just a stay at home mom who wanted to get out of the house and meet some people and get active. I'm not looking to do anything in my life but raise my son to be a good honest person, and take care of my family. I have no interest in the drama that the post is creating.

  4. Really? A shoulder tap? I have a broken collar bone. There is a reason that mrr has played every team in the maritimes without incurring injurries on them...where fog city has incurred 3 major (two broken bones and at least one long term injury) on mrr alone! sorry guys... This doesn't stand for all of u...but there is more to derby then snot bubbles and hitting... Strategies out play big hits every time...even if u walk away with a broken bone.

  5. We understand that there was an injury. And it fucking sucks and no one thinks this is a good thing. However.. The hit that resulted in the injury .. was a clean and legal hit. We had front row, dead on the line seats to see it.

    We can't call shenanigans every time someone hits the floor.
    And that is what it looked like from the side lines.

  6. I did not refer to your hit as a shoulder tap, I did however say from my point of view the hit appeared to be legal. I am sorry you got hurt, as is the rest of the Dieppe league who witnessed it. One girl was tearing up because you went down so hard and she was worried about you.
    I do not know the entire Saint John teams record, or any other damage that has been incurred. I have stood next to people though and heard them say "See, why did she do that?"
    She did it because her jammer was trying to come through and she was trying to get her out of the way, and the other team is doing the same thing, why are they innocent and the other team are bad guys.

  7. Elle I did not see your initial post. Not sure why it did not go through.

  8. Just for the record, Moncton had more combined minors on the board during the second half than the SJ team (I have the board and the stats), so all I was saying is that it proves it wasn't biased. Also, your vantage from the floor of the collar bone injury is valid. However, 7 skating referees saw it differently, and since neither their coaching team nor captain called a team or official time out to dispute the call, I'll have to respectfully say that the major elbow penalty that was called is a dangerous thing to try and dispute. I respect your opinion, even though I don't share it. But, if you are posting a blog to share with the general population then you should respect when people feel the need to argue against the thoughts you are sharing. And taking it down, just because people blow it out of proportion just fuels a fire instead of creating respect for the experiences you are sharing.

  9. My mistake in reading the stats. Nobody was sent to the box for the injury to the skater. That hit was clean. It was during the next jam that the player in question was sent to the box. Forgive me for my hasty reply without double-checking my facts.

  10. I respect that people may disagree with my opinion, and that is fine. What I was expressing in the post was what I and other people saw and were commenting on, people putting words in my mouth after the fact I do have issues with.
    When I saw how far this was circulating, the ridiculousness of it made me sigh, roll my eyes and make a choice. The choice was to not let anyone continue to try to twist my words or my experience, so I deleted the post. I stand behind that.
    If you reread the above post, I do state that the second half was even for penalties, however the first half from my vantage point was not.
    Again, everything I wrote was "from where I was sitting it appeared to be..." not "They did this and they shouldn't have."
    I am not insulting you, or your team in any way, I am questioning the game I saw last night. As are other people who were there. It's what I saw and how I feel, it is nothing personal against you or your players. It's being turned into something it was not. If people are not allowed to comment or question the bouts, then they should no longer be made public.

  11. It is good to hear that you are not interested in drama, however you are the creator of the drama none the less, intentional or not. The internet connects us all, and when you chose to use it as a public forum for your opinions, you become subject to the opinions and emotions that yours have created. Please be responsible with your words.

  12. As for the game.. there was a lot of should have done, this looked like.. I'm not sure about the written stats. If we are speaking about the "hit". Fluke was sent to the box at that moment. She skated past, was all excited that she laid a good hit. Then realized that the Jam was stopped b/c Brandy was down. And unless my memory is all messed up, was in the box before the next jam started. But regardless.. if there was an issue (games wise) coaches and what not should have called a time out and figured it out. So if the "team" didn't like what was going on. That is up to them to step up and do something about it. IF they don''t , then they got nothing to bitch about.

    However.. a fan (and realistically when ppl are there just watching, it's b/c they are a fan) They are entitled to sharing their view of what happened.. It is what happens in sports. The issue is when the Skaters, NSO's and Officials are fueling the fires, personally attacking verbally, telling them how stuff is and should be and they have no business speaking..That..That is the issue.
    We, as the ambassadors of the sport need to keep this stuff in mind. We can't be going off of fans for posting stuff we don't like or agree with.

    When Cherry made her original post it was b/c of a convo she was having with another fan and was directed at them specifically, as none of the people posting today even knew about her blog.

  13. Dii, get off the defensive, everyone is entitled to an opinion, we are all fans. It is a forum for conversation, and your censorship in the form of "nso"s not having an right to an opinion is disgusting. NSOs are from all teams, not just one. We work together to make this sport successful, but we are still all derby fans. If she can blog to another fan, who is also entitled to their opinion, we are entitled to fill her in on how narrow minded, uneducated, and ill informed her opinion is, as is that fan. You seen to be forgetting that she is not just a fan but also a derby player, although she has yet to ever play a game. We are also fans, even when we are refs, and nsos and skaters. you can't box people into one category just to support your agurement. I am a fan who has never played a game, and I disagree. I am allowed to state that in our free society.

  14. Lol.. really tho.
    I giggled a little.

    Everyone is free to their opinion.
    It's bad PR for the officials and skaters to bash each other, lip off, argue, confront, ect ect.
    It makes you look bad and it makes the sport look bad. Have at 'er if you want. lol

    Most of Cherry's original post was fine, she saw some seemingly unjust things, and she was trying to get a point of rules across to someone. There were a few things that b/c she represents DRD she shouldn't have said. She is aware of that now and deleted the post to avoid further foolishness about it. But that is for me to deal with, as she is my skater. As i would hope that all other leagues involved, have a PR person who is responsible for reining in their people and explaining what is acceptable and what is not acceptable stuff to air in public

  15. Very well said Dii Mented, I think this conversation has run its course. :)

  16. Well said Dii, you hit the nail on the head.
