Monday 24 October 2011

Well hello there..

So I realize in writing this very little is known about me as a person.
So here is a little bit of information about me.

I am of an age that is non of your business, :)
Weight, again none of your business.
I am married with a 2 year old son. We have 1 dog and 1 cat as we recently lost one of our kitties after 7 years.
I own a small portion of my home, and the bank owns the rest.
My husband works full time in a local warehouse, and has also worked part time at a local Record/Video store downtown. Does he need the second job? No, but he likes the discount.
I at the moment am a stay at home mom.
I have an out of control thyroid that goes from under active to overactive in the matter of weeks. This makes me moody to say the least. Sometimes when you meet me I will be chatty and happy, other times shy and fidgety. This depends on where my levels are at the moment, and honestly how much sleep I've had over the past few days. My thyroid is also swollen and pushes my vocal chords out of place. This makes my call center job difficult to do because I lose my voice when I talk to much. After numerous tests, scans, scopes, different medication it has been decided nothing can be done without unnecessary surgery, so I stay at home on disability from work and hang out with my son. Physically, I'm 100%, but I've come to find out over the past year +, that finding a job that requires minimum talking in a day is difficult to say the least.

My family means everything to me.
I have an awesome husband who loves me and supports me in my ventures. My son is awesome. He's fun and funny and very smart. I spend allot of my time laughing with him, and he has made my life infinitely better.
That being said, being home all day with a kid under 2 who cannot communicate with you, makes you go a little stir crazy. So I began looking for things I could do outside the home that would help me have a bit of time to myself. I signed up for some night courses at the local community college, and found it wasn't great. Yes I learned, but wasn't getting a chance to socialize with other people my age in that environment. I looked into cooking classes, running classes, aerobics etc, etc... And found it was out of my price range, didn't work with my schedule, or again did not provide the social atmosphere I was looking for.
That's where Roller Derby came in. Honestly it was between that and tackle football. I joined with my wifey, and loved it. Never did look into that football thing in the long run.
The girls are awesome, we're social, we love being together, we work hard, they make fun of me when I wear argyle, it's great.
I get out of my house, and I have gained so much confidence. You rarely see me fidgeting in the corner anymore, because even when my mind tries to force me into that spot, I'm able to force myself through it. I didn't have that ability before.

I'm pretty non confrontational. I will not engage myself in a fight, because I am a grown woman. If you come to me calmly I will talk things over with you and try to come to a common ground. If you attack me, yell at me, call me names, I will walk away and leave you to it.
This attitude has actually lost me friends over the years. But I do not feel if I should have to fight for friendship. If we are friends, then you will have my back, if we are not, you will contribute to the gossip.

Hmmmmm.... What else.
I dunno. I'm pretty quiet, unless she's coming on the inside, or outside, or everywhere!
I like all kinds of music, from MoTown to bad 90's Shock Rock.
I voted in the last 2 elections.
I`m trying to find a new car right now because mine needed a new engine so we sold it for parts.
I am currently wearing purple shoes.
I dye my hair. I know, you thought it was real didn't you? Nope, all dye!

I dunno, I got nothing else to say. I'm pretty average to say the least. I won't throw the biggest party, I will not be at every bar night because I have a kid and he's important and sitters are expensive.  But I'll be there when I can, I may just need a coffee to keep me going.

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