Wednesday 2 November 2011

Over a week

When i arrived at practice on Monday October 24th I wasn't feeling great.
I assumed this uneasy feeling was backlash from the McDonalds hamburger I grabbed from the drive-thru before practice, but nope, it was the beginning of the end.
The next morning I woke up feeling kind of blah. By Wednesday I was all out sick! However I have no time to be sick so I kept going and doing what I could. I went to my french class to give my presentation then came home and went to bed. I missed practice because I just couldn't go any longer.
Thursday morning felt a little better, and as I was helping my son get dressed to start his day i leaned forward and... pulled a muscle in my back.
Friday my son and I went to a Halloween party at my wifey Em JeKill's house. So again, I missed practice.
Monday we went out to collect non-perishable food items for Trick or Eat. My son also was doing his trick or treating. My husband was home handing out candy suffering from a sinus infection.
We are a healthy family right now.

So tonight again I have my french course and derby.
I have a sinus headache, chest congestion, a sore back, and all I want to do is crawl into bed and die. But oddly, the only thing I am even considering missing is my french course. Even if I can't scrimmage because of back pain, there is something I can do. And honestly, I got pretty new elbow pads last week I haven't had a chance to wear yet.
I may die from this, but I will die with skates on and full of bruises!

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