Wednesday 2 November 2011

A cruel and unusual game.

Our coach while being sometimes funny and sometimes a slave driver is also a little sick and allot twisted.
The time has come, and the first ever team of Dieppe Roller Derby, Hits & Sass, is now having it's members posted.
It is being posted on-line, a few people a day until he gets bored. So we literally find out when you do.
So far 4 girls have been listed. A big congrats to Smokey, Fire Crack'Ya, I'd Hit That, and Crash N'Turn, you girls deserved it.
Now allot of people say that all the girls on A squad automatically make the team.
That is not true!
There is no guarantee that the girls on A make the team without a doubt.
If I didn't already bite my nails, this would make me start.
So Pixel, I know you are having fun, playing with us. Just remember we out number you in the end, and we've all synced up and may not be responsible for our actions eventually!

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