Friday 11 November 2011


Last night we hosted a teen dance.
Teens are exhausting.
All you parents out there that don't sleep 12 hours a night due to pure mental and physical exhaustion and have 1 or more teenagers, I admire you.
Of course a teenager on their own can be a headache, over 100 teenagers, a migraine of mass proportions.
Here's the thing these kids didn't seem to get. Nothing they were doing was new, shocking, or blowing my mind. Actually allot of their *bad* behavior paled in comparison to some of the stunts I used to pull. And I am one of the more timid people in my league as far as stupid teenage stunts go.
I'd Hit That told us a story a few weeks ago about how she told her parents off in Sobeys and ran away with the Circus, quite literally. Just try to top that! Cause that is not only hilarious, but a little awesome.
So needless to say we are all quite drained of energy today.
A big shoutout to Fire Crack'Ya who put this entire event together in a few short weeks. She got a DJ, refreshments, and worked her butt off to put it together and did an awesome job.
All the girls and guys who came, chaperoned, rolled their eyes, and fought with mouthy teens, thanks for coming and helping and making the night full of fun and laughs!

Check out my main Dumpty Ramone showing off his mad skills!  


  1. LOL no way.. i ran away with the circus too,uhm and stuff ;) i'm loving Ramone's mad skills

  2. Man.
    I love the circus. I should have kept my eyes peeled for more employment opportunities.
