Monday 14 November 2011

A little time for a little update

All right. My son is napping and I have a few seconds of peace to try to write an update. I'm working through a caffeine headache currently, but I have a coffee by my side so I'm hoping by the end of my rant I will be good as new.

So after over a week of waiting, new name has been added to the very first team with Dieppe Roller Derby Hits and Sass.
And it turned out to be me.
I am very excited about this, as now my waiting is over and I can join the happy smiling girls in the corner and try to reassure the girls continuing to bite their nails, that they're day will come.
It also happens that today, the day I was put on the team, is my.. ahhh.. 23rd? birthday.
Yes, I know I look much younger then that, and you may be confused by the fact that a few months ago I was also 23, but let's not get to picky. Just go with it.
I have also finally gotten my new Jukes on my skates and will be testing them out tonight. The Pro-Designed wrist guards I also got my birthday I have been using for a few weeks and are breaking in nicely.
Now if Pixel continues the birthday updates then we all know who's name is coming up next. I won't say anything because she may not know it yet, but there is no doubt in my or anyone elses mind that this girl will be on the team, and a damn fine adversary if I do say so myself.

I would also like to give a quick shoutout to some girls from the Halifax Heartless Rollers.
My husband was out of town for the weekend working for his weekend employer at the Halifax Comic Convention and met some of these ladies. When he came home last night he nervously held out a t-shirt to me and said "I don't know if this is okay? Not sure what's considered PC for other teams in Roller Derby."
He got me one of their t-shirts, which I was very excited about as I have very little merch from my fellow leagues in the area. He raved about how nice they were, and one girl took a pin off her outfit and gave it to him as they had none left at the table. It was a pin they had made specially for the pride parade. He couldn't say enough nice things about them, which made me beam with pride because I have told him how awesome the girls in the other leagues are, and how much we all support each other and they certainly proved me right over the weekend.
So to the ladies who chatted up the tall handsome long haired fellow from Moncton, thank you for showing love to my Derby Widow, and making him that much more excited to see me bout as now he feels he's getting to know people a bit.

So, that is all for now.
I just realized my headache may be because I'm on the computer sans glasses. Hmmmm... Something to consider.

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