Sunday 6 November 2011

The game continues

So Pixel is enjoying his slow form of torture and no new names have been added to the team list in a few days. Actually it seems that he was gonna update with 1 name, and then add another the next day. He decided to save himself some time and have the second name and pic ready to go, but made a mistake and the pic and profile posted. When he tried to fix it his server went down, and before he could get everything where he wanted it to be, I checked and saw the new names and congratulated them in our private group.
Oops.  :)
So we wait and continue to see who will go next.
The big question at A squad practice is, who from B will make it on the team? Followed by, I hope I make it on the team. *insert nail biting and nervous smile here*
Like I said there is no guarantee that being on A squad gets you on the team, it is at this time assumed by allot of people though. Because we do not see B practicing, we don't know who is where or who will be added.
We have 11 girls on A squad, and we would like the team to be as full as possible. I mean if we only have 11 on the team, and someone has to work during a bout, or a few have to work during a bout, or someone gets hurt well that just ain't gonna work with 11 people. So we wanna have a full team. This means that IF, and trust me, it is an if in our minds, every single girl from A makes it, we will still need more.
Based on when we were together I have several names in my head on who I think will be at the top of the list, but I don't see practices, and I have no idea if there are a few girls on B blowing everyone out of the water. So many new girls joined right before we were split up that without seeing them practice, it's impossible to know who will land where.
I know poor Kitty Von Doom is anxiously awaiting the time where she can get her skates back on so she can get her name on that list. When you've been with the league from day one, and now the time has come where the first team is being made, it's hard to stand aside and watch due to an injury, it's hard not to be down. She however seems to have a very positive attitude and I know she's working hard to heal, and we can't wait to see her back at practice.
So the question, who will the next one be?
I'm not gonna lie, our coach has a sweet tooth and I did bring him in some home made Mars Bar Cheesecake on Friday. Not to push myself on the team, but if it's already decided I am on the team to try to get the wait over with so I can stop holding my breath and checking every 30min.'s or so for an update.

On a good note, my awesome husband gave me my Birthday gift early and I got me some Jukes, and Pro Designed wrist guards.
A big shout out to the girls at Neon for getting them here so quickly. Although my love for Creepy is strong, we may need some time apart so I can test out my new wheels.

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