Tuesday 8 November 2011

One of those nights

Last night was one of those nights where everyone came in to practice, happy, hyper and ready to roll.
I don't think there was one of us that didn't have a big smile on her face as we warmed up, stretch and tried a few tricks on an unsuspecting girl.
Some of the random and funny stuff I saw.
LipSmack was skating around backwards and said to me "I wish I had eyes in the back of my head" and just as she finished the sentence she collided with the wall.
Another favorite moment, again from LipSmack. She was standing on the jammer line pretending to call of the jam and yelled "SUCK IT!" then fell on her ass all in one swift movement.
We were skating around in a pack when Em JeKill began to lose her balance and was doing the ever famous "Trying to get my balance" tap dance. Apparently Alise T'Kill had enough of that and yelled "Just fall already!"

When the night was over we all began eyeing the boxes of donuts brought in by one of the girls in B squad.
They were yummy, thanks for the treat!
I went over and scanned them and Pixel opened the other box and we both agreed chocolate was the way to go, just as I was about to eat mine I noticed a chocolate donut dipped in chocolate and pointed it out to Pixel.  He warned me against it saying he had one that was full of jam earlier, so Fire Crack'Ya grabbed it. She took a bite and said it was full of chocolate, but before she got the whole sentence out Dii Mented was up out of her chair straddling Fire Crack'Ya and taking a big bite out of her donut.
So that was my night it a nutshell.
We practiced a few new things, I managed to avoid elbowing anyone which is good. My wifey got put on a different line from me, and that worries me because I know we're gonna end up pounding the crap out of each other. We have very little mercy for the other one. I think it's because we both know what the other one can handle.

Still waiting for more team updates.
LipSmack made the team yesterday, and I must say, there was never any doubt. Good job!


  1. LOL i got a message from Vigilante Banshee after.
    "I was wondering what you two were fighting over, and to come home and find out it was an effing donut LMAO. ;)
