Sunday 19 February 2012

Silly times with Silly people

Like we need an invitation!
The crotch grab!
I got a perfect score on that one!
Dancing to Thriller
 Here's what you need to know about me, I have spent years of my life sitting in the corner thinking to myself "That looks like fun, but it would be embarrassing." No real reason, I was just to afraid to do something that may make me look stupid.
Me being like this, was no ones fault but my own. It's not that the people I was with were not fun, it's not that they wouldn't have laughed and done it with me, it was just my own insecurities that stopped me from doing things.
I'm not sure why I ended up that way. I wasn't always like that, I have said before "I used to be fun!" and I always wondered if the fun me was still in there somewhere.
Which brings us now to the Derby Girl Birthday!
Of course, a Birthday is a time for fun and celebration. And after years of hiding in a corner, I find myself getting up and acting stupid with my friends. I am not sure why the fear suddenly disappeared, however these girls bring out the happy me that everyone used to see, that ran away and hid for the last 7 years of my life.
I'd Hit That's present from Kitty Von Doom!
Leaning tower of Jello Shots
 What is it about these people that make me want to have fun?
Well, I guess it's just that they are so much fun!
Full of smiles, love and acceptance.
When I do stupid things, they are right there with me waiting to jump in and be stupid with me.
The saying Roller Derby saved my soul, is something often used. I don't think Roller Derby saved my soul. I think the people I met because of Roller Derby did. They make me happy, they make me smile, they make me unashamed of who I am. And they dance to Michael Jackson songs and crotch grab with me! Who wouldn't wan to hang out with these girls!?

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