Tuesday 30 August 2011

I'll get you my pretty! And you're little DOG TOO!

Don't be fooled!
She's vicious.
Last night when I arrived home the first thing my husband said to me when he saw me was "You fell down didn't you?"
I replied, "Yes, but that's not what hurt me. I was pushed down by Lip Smack and came the closest I've ever gotten to doing the splits since I was a small child."
Yup, more pack drills. And although Lip Smack may look small, and you may be fooled by that smile, be warned, she'll drop you before you even knew she was coming.
I deserved it a bit, because before she put me in an awkward and painful position, I got a few good shots in. Why? Well, I was next to her for most of the drills, so automatically she is the one I need to keep my eye on, and I know from previous experience she can take you down before you even know you're in danger. So my guard is up a bit, and I'm trying to get her before she can get me. And at one point she turned when I was coming up to push her out of bounds, and I meant to go shoulder to shoulder, but it ended up being elbow to stomach.
Sorry about that  Lip Smack.
I can move today, although I wasn't sure last night if I was gonna be able to. My back was stiff, and my legs were killing me. Even laying down to try to sleep was painful.
I also considered changing my Derby name from Cherry Dread, to Penelope Penalty, cause it appears that will be where I will be stationed most of the time. I tend to plow people down, and by the end I was hugging my arms in to stop myself from using them. It goes against everything you're taught in life to not use hands and well, elbows. So this retraining I am going through is difficult. I know I can hit, and hit hard with my shoulders, hips etc, etc... But instinctively you use your arms, it's what you've been doing since you were a kid. Retraining at 30... I mean 23, is hard on the brain, and even harder on the body.
Now I know you're all wondering, does she in fact have a dog.
I'm not sure. I'll ask her sometime if I think about it.

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