Friday 23 September 2011

I may be stoned alive for this.

I did not enjoy the movie Whip It.
I know, I'm sorry, blasphemy and all that, but it's the truth.
I do not credit the movie for my love of roller derby, nor did it make me want to join.
I do appreciate the revival that began after the movie, but I do not completely credit the movie for this. Many years before the movie came out friends I had at the time often spoke about roller derby and how much they would love to play. And when the opportunity presented itself, it was no surprise to anyone that they joined. the movie had nothing to do with this, it gave people the outlet to say "Hey, why don't we have a team in our city." and take the time to put the effort in to start leagues. Again, something I am grateful for.
I watched the movie when it came out on DVD. My husband who works part time at a local Record/Video store, picked it up one Friday night. It surprised me that he brought this home. He assumed I wanted to see it, I really didn't, but whatever, we watched it anyway.
I would like to watch it again with a fresh perspective. I may look at it differently now, I'm not sure. One girl posted on facebook that you could turn it into a drinking game. Take a drink every time someone does something illegal. I'm not a big drinker since my son was born, but maybe some night if he's at my parents place for the night and I'm bored I'll give it a shot.
No pun intended.

1 comment:

  1. You shall burn in the fiery pits of hell ;)
    I liked it, But mostly b/c i LOVE Drew.. she makes me giggle.
