Thursday 15 September 2011

Is my head still on?

My first night trying to work in my french course and derby practice.
Well, lets start from the beginning. We did not have practice on Monday as the venue was booked. So I went to my course and came home. About an hour after my arrival home I heard my son screaming. When I went to check on him he was burning hot to the touch, so I was up to 1:30 in the morning with him laying on my lap, to sick to take medicine and keep it down, and to sick to sleep. The next morning was more of the same.
By yesterday he seemed back to normal. So we began the day going to parents place to help them with a few things.
Left just before nap time and my son fell asleep in the car.
Got him home and in bed and went outside to continue painting my front patio for an hour.
Came inside in time to shower then he woke up.
When I got him he was covered from head to toe in a rash.
Called the clinic get an appointment.
Go to clinic and wait for 45 minutes.
Dr. says it's roseola, he's fine and rash should clear up in a few days.
Don't completely trust diagnosis because Dr. refused to look at throat because my 2 year old wouldn't do exactly what he asked as soon as he asked it.
Went to Old Navy to hit baby sale and got my son some much needed fall and winter clothes.
Rush home in time to make a tuna sandwich, grab gear and run out door.
Got to class with seconds to spare.
7:50 realize suddenly I forgot my helmet at home.
Class runs 5 minutes late and I am getting more and more annoyed by the second and not hiding it well.
Finally stand up and say I need to leave and rush out door.
Call husband to say I need him to run my helmet out, I'll be there in 10 minutes, 10 minutes int he wrong direction mind you.
Get helmet and drive to practice space doing anywhere from 80-120km/h the whole way.
Arrive to see 7 girls laying on the floor, panting heavily, and Pixel smiling in the corner.
I said "Sorry, I forgot my helmet at home and had to go get it." to which Dii Mented replies "Fuck you Cherry."
I apparently missed a very good drill which included lots of falls, sit-ups, and push-ups. Every one of those girls was covered in sweat. So while I got in a 2 second warm up and a few minutes of stretching they began doing push pulls.
Pixel sat down next to me because he had something he needed to tell me.
I passed all my level 1 testing!
Yaaaay me!
I got up and was told to go with Dii, and I'd Hit that. So I grab on to the chain, and Pixel blows the whistle and I switch to the front and begin pulling. I heard him tell Banshee to grab on, and the line got very heavy. I yelled "Ladies, 1 word. DIET!" then looked behind me, for about the last minute I had been pulling 7 girls. Needless to say by the end I was sweating pretty good myself.
Practice was way to short for me, by the time I arrived I had less then an hour, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Next time I'll remember all my gear and be there 15-20 minutes earlier.
So to all my A-Team girls, great practice last night, see ya Friday!

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