Tuesday 29 November 2011

I just got hit by a Mac truck!

Well, I feel like I was hit by a large vehicle, but nope, it was just I'd Hit That.
I know what you're thinking... What a great Derby name, and you're right, it is pretty awesome. Also pretty darn accurate, as some Derby names tend to be.
I`d Hit That does not realize the powerful force she packs behind every check whether legal or not, but I can take allot. I can usually take a big hit without faltering. Often however, when the punch is packed by I`d Hit that, I will teeter if not all out fall, and you usually hear a loud "Oomph" involuntarily coming out of me.
Not only is she a hard hitter, but she's a pretty awesome person.
Always the first to greet you with a smile. The first to smack your bum when you least expect it. And always the one trying to cheer you up if you ever seem a little off.
I was her first Derby Sister Wife, and she mine. And I am proud to call her my teammate and friend.

Getting all mushy I know.
You're tearing up a little aren't you?

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