Wednesday 14 March 2012

Hello and welcome to my blog.

It has been awhile since I updated. it's been a busy week.
I got my new skates a week ago and I have been busy attempting to break them in. Last practice was a definite improvement from what I went through last week. I have been told by Pixel that some people find having them heat molded helps with the breaking in process. So I may give that a shot if the pain does not get better soon.
Over all I absolutely love my skates. They fit my feet perfectly. My old skates were half a size to big, so it is nice having something on that is the right size. My plates are also mounted differently, which means learning some things all over again. I now put the weight in my heels when I am skating, and that is a strange feeling.
We also had league and team pics last Friday. That's about it for that.
Myself and quite a few of the girls are also going to a masquerade ball this weekend. I got my dress last week and brought it in to have it taken in a bit. I am picking it up tonight.
I have my mask, and the lovely Fire Crack'ya is coming over to do my hair. I finally after much searching got my jewelry and my shoes. My husband, in a surprise twist, wanted to go as well, and went out and rented a tux! I was very surprised when he showed interest, but very happy as well as we never do things like this together and I think it will be fun!
Basically I am just running around trying to get things organized.

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